Mike’s work keeps him in one position for hours working at his computer, while his active lifestyle finds him walking for fitness in between a hectic travel schedule. Over time, Mike developed a pain along his low back, buttock, and the back of his thigh that also radiated into his groin and behind his knee. Friends and colleagues also noticed that his ability to walk upright had diminished significantly.
Because of the wide ranging area of his symptoms, we first were tasked with correctly isolating his primary problem. In his case, there two of them: his back and his hip.
Careful and thorough evaluation, based on the latest medical literature, ensured that each problem was dealt with effectively without aggravating the other.
Using prescribed and adapted exercise we were able to quickly resolve his low back pain, however, chronic hip stiffness and pain (due to arthritis) were still limiting him. Using a combination of manual therapy, aggressive flexibility, and graduated strength training, Mike was able to regain his function and return to walking for fitness. He was also much more informed about the state of his hip, and now has a better idea “when to say when” and consult his primary care physician for orthopedic referral.
“I’d lost strength and range of motion and was walking around like an old man. I’m still old, but I’m walking a lot better; keeping up with the grand kids got easier.”