Physical Therapy Technician
The Physical Therapy Technician is a part time position, handling various duties in the clinic that potentially include all aspects of physical therapy private practice operations. Specific duties for each technician will vary by shift and training.
Application Process
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, by either responding to a Craigslist ad, or forwarding a resume and cover letter via fax. First priority will be given to those who were part of our Observer Program.
Each applicant will then progress through three levels of screening (placement test, reference interviews, and written interview) completed online, before being asked to interview in person.
Basic Duties
The Physical Therapy Technician duties will include: hands-on, direct patient care, set-up and tear-down for treatments, light cleaning and maintenance, scheduling, payments, and general customers service, and light office work in a mostly paperless environment.
Each Physical Therapy Technician will present a professional appearance, welcoming demeanor, and enthusiastic and helpful customer service skills. The PT Tech is many times the first person our patients will interact with, and therefore a key piece of our customer service team.
Physical Therapy Technicians are responsible for a portion of each patients’ treatment, to include home exercise program review and instructions of basic therapeutic exercises. This interaction with the patient will always be one-on-one, and always under the direct supervision of the Physical Therapist.
Enhanced Duties
Technicians may also be trained for additional duties (enhancing work hours and compensation) including insurance verification, claim follow-up, marketing/advertising assistance, and special clinical or administrative projects
Upon hire, each technician will be issued training materials including: Employee Handbook, Technician Manual, Treatment Programming Notes, and access to all company training materials, including patient handouts. Physical Therapy Technicians will have time “on the clock” to review training materials and improve their knowledge and skills, but are expected to learn from their training materials and utilize them for reference in an independent manner.
Base hourly compensation to start, with a bonus and raise, after taking a basic skills and knowledge test within the first 30 days of employment. After 30 days, based on job performance, knowledge, punctuality and dependability. Additional incentives will be given for special duties and recruiting.
Suggested Prerequisites
Successful physical therapy technicians have backgrounds in customer service and knowledge of anatomy and exercise instruction. Being able to identify joints, joint position, and direction of motion are extremely helpful.
The ability to comfortably and courteously interact with, and educate, patients of different ethnic, socioeconomic and age backgrounds is key.
Fluency in Spanish is also a special skill that has a place in our practice.